Okay now I'm all for people getting an education, don't get me wrong, but.... Nowadays we are seeing all these offers for fast track degrees that leave one scratching their head thinking wait a minute I have that same degree and it took me four years of hard work and effort to get mine. I learned about the field completely. Within it's context of operation. Yet we began seeing advertisements about these "fast track" degree programs that began at guaranteeing that you could get that 4 year degree in just over two years. Then the ads started saying within two years. Today we can see claims of 18 months to a degree! How do they do it?
It's like the production line theory. You don't need to know how to build the whole car, you do not need to understand the combustion processes that make the motor produce power to turn the gears that make the wheels move, or how the braking system stops the vehicle. All you need to know is one small part of the complete process of putting the car together.
This production line mentality has also taken hold within the agricultural industry. A chicken farmer may now know how to raise chickens that will grow to have a specific breast fillet size in a certain allotted time period, using specified food and medicine and limiting sunlight etc... but that same chicken farmer will have no clue on how to raise egg laying chickens for example, or how to hatch out baby chicks for that matter, because they all arrive hatched and ready to grow for this farmer.
TPTB, for lack of a more accurate description, have now approached education in the same manner. That's why if anyone noticed these classes often offer very specific certifications. Kind of a degree, for a pert of a field within a field, within a field. This is especially prevalent in the medical, business and criminal justice careers. You know the same ones we continue to hear are booming? Insert sarcasm here> Yes they're booming, as far as hiring, because record numbers have been layed off or offered retirement packages in lieu of being laid off .
Now the companies and industries have regrouped, in some cases renamed themselves or in other manners reorganized, and sure they are looking to hire many new people. They will hire cheaper skilled employees, and it is my understanding that they will get a handsome government bonus as well. I believe there is currently a $3,000.00 credit for each new employee hired that last a year.
Okay so what makes this topic important enough to take the time and make the effort to write about this and try to increase awareness? Was there something in particular that set off my rant today? Yes and Yes.
Number one we need to be aware of how we are being used and how it will effect us in the long term. If we willingly go along with the flow when we see things that just are not right they profit, and even worse they have no incentive to stop using us to make these huge windfall profits. If quality of service within the medical or legal profession at point of service decreases who suffers? Us.
You want to talk about the dumbing down of America? I'm not saying you need to be able to build that whole car, but, if you are going to be responsible for prepping an operating room for surgery, assisting a doctor, or be responsible for the care of invalid patients... If you are going be responsible for representing or advocating individuals in the due process of law... If you are going to be balancing the books of major corporations (may want to get a chef degree too), etc... You need to know the processes and procedures, the ins and outs, the legalities of, and the safety measures in place to be efficient. If the person before you has not performed their job correctly how will you know if it is not part of what you learned? If you receive and education that is so limited, so streamlined, that does not challenge or keep you on your toes, if it does not take into account variables that can make you say okay that works that way, but what if? Are you really prepared for your field? Who is it going to effect? You? Or the people you are taking care of?
It is not like today was the first time I was amazed at a lack of performance, competence, or intelligence levels evident in the course of my daily interactions in various industries, whether it be medical, legal, or business related, but today was just such a dumb example I had to write how incredulous I was. It's really not even a good example, because this involved only a bank teller, and it was more of a customer service type of issue, but when the bank manager failed to see and solve the VERY Obvious problem, I had to wonder at where this world is heading.
My husband had a check that had been sent for my birthday. It was from a Paulsen, to a Paulsen, and of course he's a Paulsen. He went on his lunch break to the bank branch near his job, which is the same one he has used for over a decade now. The poor man Never runs out on his lunch break, he packs lunch from home, so that he can relax and eat at lunch, and save money. But, he had had this check in his wallet a few weeks now, and decided to go cash it. It was made out to me, and I had already signed it, and put his account number on it. He gets to the bank drive up, sends the check in the tube. After waiting and waiting they finally send the check back to him in the tube, and tell the man sorry they can't cash it, there's no account for that name.
Now mind you Kev had a headache, he gets migraines occassionally, and I realize sometimes it does affect how quick he thinks, but what I do not understand is what affected the teller and the manager? This is the account his payroll deposits into. We do have a few accounts, this particular one is in his name.and they said there is no account to match the name? His account number was right there on the check? So now he parks and goes in mind you, thinking his account is messed up with the very recent Wachovia to Wells Fargo merge. He tells the inside teller, hands her the check, then the manager is called over, and there is discussion between the manager, the teller and Kevin. Result is they tell him again There's no account to match the name, they can't cash the check. In frustration, I mean for crying out loud it was only fifty dollars, Kev was like, the heck with this, I'll let my wife cash it, and takes the check back, puts it in his wallet again and leaves. He called me when he got back to work.
Now upon listening at first I am thinking like him oh crap, must be something wrong with the account! Oh no what about bills paid out, you know? We talked a little more, and I mean I was pretty incredulous. What do you mean they said no account? The account number is on the check. He says again repeating what he remembered them telling him " There is no account to match the name" . Now mind you I did not think I would be right, but I asked him " Honey did you sign the check?". He rustles a minute, gets back on and as he looks at the back, he says "no". Well you know what I was relieved on the one hand, okay account is probably fine, but seriously, how dumb are these people running the bank?
Now at this point you're no doubt thinking what's the big deal here? OK, Well now I get it, he needed to sign the check. I mean hello, any one walks in with a check in hand, the person cashing has to sign, even if it was or was not made out to me, or even if my name was on that account, he would have had to sign. If man comes in with a check with a woman's name on it I would think should raise questions of identity right? I asked him "did they ask who you were?" And he says " yeah they asked if I was your husband, and I said yes". So then I was like, " well hun why didn't you just sign the check when they asked you?" They never asked him to sign it. Just said they couldn't cash it. Not a single person in the combined group thought uh... wait a minute, account number matches Kevin Paulsen, oh okay Mr. Kevin Paulsen could you sign the check? I mean I just don't get it, wouldn't you have asked him to sign the check anyway? Didn't he NEED to sign the check anyway?
I did call the bank after I spoke with Kevin. I spoke with a manager, and I explained the whole thing. I was very nice, told her the situation and how I didn't understand why someone did not just tell Kevin to sign the check... he was Kevin Paulsen. I even said to the lady, it was so dumb it was actually funny, and definitely not lawsuit material. I was told a higher manager will be calling me back. Well I had to come back and edit this in because I did not get the call back until later in the afternoon after publishing. The lady introduced herself very professionally by title and said she wanted to discuss the "situation" with me, and how she had been "working" on it all day (i'm laughing again as I am writing this in). I tried to stop her because she sounded like this was a big deal, when really I had just been wondering why someone didn't just tell the man to sign the check. She was telling me about all these legal battles Wachovia had about cashing checks when they weren't joint accounts and telling me that it was an evolutionary process for Wachovia and Wells Fargo to reach the standard procedures in place today, and how she "finally" has on her desk in black and white the ruling in place now, and she starts reading off about the last signer of the check was the one that had to have the account, and finally I stopped her. I said yes, he would have been the last signer if someone had told him he still needed to endorse the check. It sounded like she had gone through quite a bit of effort researching and trying to figure out the bank's protocols for check cashing policies. All in all I still say it was so dumb it was funny, but sad that in the process of moving through three levels of customer service no one got it. He just needed to sign the check.
I know it's a dumb example. But that's my whole point. It was such a dumb example of business management, as well as customer service.
Oh and a PS aside to anyone that is thinking to correct me on the fact that you need to have sufficient funds in your account to cash a check from another bank, trust me, there are multiples of the sum of $50.00 in the account in question. It was a simple matter of no one asking him to sign the check. His name is the one that matches the account number for the account at that bank.
A better example could be found in the story of the paralyzed man who suffered severe brain damage because of an undertrained nursing care specialist. Not only did she accidentally turn off the poor man's respirator, but in the video admits to training limitations. She tried to ventilate through his nose and mouth because she did not know she needed to hook the ventilation bag to the port hole in the side of his neck. This patient went a total of 21 minutes w/out being able to draw in oxygen because of this "mistake". A mistake that was simple lack of proper teaching. She did not know what to do in the event of emergency.
Why was video running at the time? As you read in the story, the man had been concerned about the quality of his care and lack of medical skills and knowledge for quite some time. He had the video surveillance installed so that if he died, people would know why.
We are going to be hearing more and more stories in the future about improper training causing major problems in the future, no doubt. The really sad part are the people making these mistakes guilty, in some cases should they be charged? Is it their fault that the education they invested in to better their future was not up to par or incomplete? Is it their fault the degree given to them allows them to enter job positions of responsibility that they are not really capable of handling? This will be an interesting topic to follow in the near future. It reminds me of a movie that was so dumb, can't recall the name, but this scenario is what it was based on. Everyone was dumbed down.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Updates on Me and My Herbal 3 in 1 PetTea
Yes I know it has been a few days and I do apologize for that. For new comers to briefly update I am a cancer survivor who is in the process of getting back to living after successfully completing all of my chemo and radiation treatments for a stage IVB throat cancer diagnosis in 2009. I mentioned a few days ago that I was having a reality check because I was kind of under the weather. While I do have some issues to contend with they are related to damage from the extensive round of radiation treatments, and Not recurrent cancer.
My last PET scan was clean, so that was wonderful news:) My thyroid, which was directly in the line of fire has developed some problems though, that while not life threatening, on some days are life altering:) Best news of all this though is that I can do without my thyroid. Kind of in a wait and see holding position right now, as the docs are waiting to see if my thyroid is going to continue to degenerate, or if it will regenerate. Apparently it can go either way. I just wish it would hurry up and make up it's mind lol.
Anyone with thyroid problems can tell you whether it's hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism the condition can make you pretty miserable until the right balance is achieved. For me it has been hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism because my thyroid is sick right now. Some days when the Pituitary gland asks it to produce T3 and T4 cells, it does, and other days it doesn't. I am either freezing, sleepy, and having muscle spasms and cramps among other things, and some days I am sweating profusely, and have gone 48 hours straight without sleeping. Hyper days have even sometimes caused heart fluttering and chest pains. I have been tempted to double up on my synthroid on the low days, butthat will mess up blood test results that are trying to pinpoint exactly what my thyroid is doing and what it wants, so I am not doing that. Besides with my luck I would double up and it would be a hyper period that really gets me in trouble. So very much a one day at a time thingy here:)
As far as Deb's Herbal 3 in 1 PetTea, yes it will be available at Mother Nature To You starting tomorrow afternoon:) The results from our testing in all 3 capacities as a natural herbal pet deodorant, insect repellent and to heal wounds have been impressive, and I look forward to receiving glowing emails about this product in the near future:)
Peace and Love I am off to the barn:)
My last PET scan was clean, so that was wonderful news:) My thyroid, which was directly in the line of fire has developed some problems though, that while not life threatening, on some days are life altering:) Best news of all this though is that I can do without my thyroid. Kind of in a wait and see holding position right now, as the docs are waiting to see if my thyroid is going to continue to degenerate, or if it will regenerate. Apparently it can go either way. I just wish it would hurry up and make up it's mind lol.
Anyone with thyroid problems can tell you whether it's hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism the condition can make you pretty miserable until the right balance is achieved. For me it has been hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism because my thyroid is sick right now. Some days when the Pituitary gland asks it to produce T3 and T4 cells, it does, and other days it doesn't. I am either freezing, sleepy, and having muscle spasms and cramps among other things, and some days I am sweating profusely, and have gone 48 hours straight without sleeping. Hyper days have even sometimes caused heart fluttering and chest pains. I have been tempted to double up on my synthroid on the low days, butthat will mess up blood test results that are trying to pinpoint exactly what my thyroid is doing and what it wants, so I am not doing that. Besides with my luck I would double up and it would be a hyper period that really gets me in trouble. So very much a one day at a time thingy here:)
As far as Deb's Herbal 3 in 1 PetTea, yes it will be available at Mother Nature To You starting tomorrow afternoon:) The results from our testing in all 3 capacities as a natural herbal pet deodorant, insect repellent and to heal wounds have been impressive, and I look forward to receiving glowing emails about this product in the near future:)
Peace and Love I am off to the barn:)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Just Tinkering Around

AN ANACROSTIC Piece of Poetry
Read More
What is in a word you say
Oration, inspiration, leading the way
Right, or wrong and Good and bad
Disillusionment, collusion, rotten, sad
Free, and fun, happy and glad
The choice is ours
Here and now
Every one joins in, that is how
Desire for change in
America grows with
You and me in the know
Movement for
Awareness of
Good and
Evil and
Deceptions in
Bank of America's Response to President's Pocket VETO
OKAY, First off I want to say I have NO intention of getting behind on our mortgage. As I have noted before we always make it in on time. I am even hopeful that if and when the economy recovers, and when OT picks up for Kev, and when I recuperate myself, we will even be able to get back to sending in extra each month like we used to, BUT, at the moment...
We live in Ga., which is not one of the 23 states that media has reported many banks have halted foreclosures in. Our state and a few others, actually allow foreclosure proceedings to begin after missing only one month. 15 days grace means 15 day grace. The past year, between battling cancer and dealing with rising costs of living, and falling overtime opportunities for my hard working blue color husband, I admit it has been rough. There have been plenty of times we have worried that this would be the month we were short for one of the mortgages (yes we have 2). But... Cast your cares upon the Lord:)
So, anyway The announcement about the 23 states was good news, but no help to us though.
I posted yesterday I was pleased with the President's decision to use his Veto powers. Well, today I can feel the change it brought about:)
Bank of America has announced ALL Foreclosure Proceedings Halted in ALL 50 States. Hurray. The bill President Obama pocket vetoed, also known as the “Interstate Recognition of Notarizations (IRON) Act was written by Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Al. This is A bill which by the way passed the Senate with unanimous consent and zero commentary by major media.
A bill that now that it has been stopped, we may see a number of things coming into the light, if Bank of America's move is any indication.
I have always said things are kept hidden until they cannot be hidden any longer.
I believe what will unfold in the near future is we will find out that the IRON act was for all intents and purposes "put in to effect" at some point between its introduction in 2005 and the mortgage crisis hitting the news. In other words Before it was a Law. Now, since the act did not pass there is going to be an awful lot of paperwork that is going to need clarification.
All I know is it is an immense weight off our shoulders, to know that we have time for things to get better, time that we will not have to be stressing AS much about losing our home. I am sure sighs went out across many homes in America today:)
OKAY, First off I want to say I have NO intention of getting behind on our mortgage. As I have noted before we always make it in on time. I am even hopeful that if and when the economy recovers, and when OT picks up for Kev, and when I recuperate myself, we will even be able to get back to sending in extra each month like we used to, BUT, at the moment...
We live in Ga., which is not one of the 23 states that media has reported many banks have halted foreclosures in. Our state and a few others, actually allow foreclosure proceedings to begin after missing only one month. 15 days grace means 15 day grace. The past year, between battling cancer and dealing with rising costs of living, and falling overtime opportunities for my hard working blue color husband, I admit it has been rough. There have been plenty of times we have worried that this would be the month we were short for one of the mortgages (yes we have 2). But... Cast your cares upon the Lord:)
So, anyway The announcement about the 23 states was good news, but no help to us though.
I posted yesterday I was pleased with the President's decision to use his Veto powers. Well, today I can feel the change it brought about:)
Bank of America has announced ALL Foreclosure Proceedings Halted in ALL 50 States. Hurray. The bill President Obama pocket vetoed, also known as the “Interstate Recognition of Notarizations (IRON) Act was written by Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Al. This is A bill which by the way passed the Senate with unanimous consent and zero commentary by major media.
A bill that now that it has been stopped, we may see a number of things coming into the light, if Bank of America's move is any indication.
I have always said things are kept hidden until they cannot be hidden any longer.
I believe what will unfold in the near future is we will find out that the IRON act was for all intents and purposes "put in to effect" at some point between its introduction in 2005 and the mortgage crisis hitting the news. In other words Before it was a Law. Now, since the act did not pass there is going to be an awful lot of paperwork that is going to need clarification.
All I know is it is an immense weight off our shoulders, to know that we have time for things to get better, time that we will not have to be stressing AS much about losing our home. I am sure sighs went out across many homes in America today:)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
President Obama Did Something Today That I Agree With:)
I was raised in the era of the School House Rock cartoons and those little truly educational jingles still readily come to mind. Conjunction Junction, The Preamble to our Constitution, and among others my favorite How A Bill Becomes A Law.
Woof! You sure gotta climb a lot of steps to get to this Capitol Building here in Washington. But I wonder who that sad little scrap of paper is?
I'm just a bill.
Yes, I'm only a bill.
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey
To the capital city.
It's a long, long wait
While I'm sitting in committee,
But I know I'll be a law someday
At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: Gee, Bill, you certainly have a lot of patience and courage.
Bill: Well I got this far. When I started, I wasn't even a bill, I was just an idea. Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed, so they called their local Congressman and he said, "You're right, there oughta be a law." Then he sat down and wrote me out and introduced me to Congress. And I became a bill, and I'll remain a bill until they decide to make me a law.
I'm just a bill
Yes I'm only a bill,
And I got as far as Capitol Hill.
Well, now I'm stuck in committee
And I'll sit here and wait
While a few key Congressmen discuss and debate
Whether they should let me be a law.
How I hope and pray that they will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: Listen to those congressmen arguing! Is all that discussion and debate about you?
Bill: Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones. Most bills never even get this far. I hope they decide to report on me favourably, otherwise I may die.
Boy: Die?
Bill: Yeah, die in committee. Oooh, but it looks like I'm gonna live! Now I go to the House of Representatives, and they vote on me.
Boy: If they vote yes, what happens?
Bill: Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts all over again.
Boy: Oh no!
Bill: Oh yes!
I'm just a bill
Yes, I'm only a bill
And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill
Well, then I'm off to the White House
Where I'll wait in a line
With a lot of other bills
For the president to sign
And if he signs me, then I'll be a law.
How I hope and pray that he will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: You mean even if the whole Congress says you should be a law, the president can still say no?
Bill: Yes, that's called a veto. If the President vetoes me, I have to go back to Congress and they vote on me again, and by that time you're so old...
Boy: By that time it's very unlikely that you'll become a law. It's not easy to become a law, is it?
Bill: No!
But how I hope and I pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Congressman: He signed you, Bill! Now you're a law!
Bill: Oh yes!!! (http://www.schoolhouserock.tv/Bill.html)
According to the complete article by FOX network President Obama has made use of a little known loophole called A "pocket veto" to stop passage of the latest in a long line of outrageous and damaging legislative acts that Congress has forced upon the American people. While I have not been overly impressed of late with our President's performance, IF he sticks by this move he will have re-gained a modicum of my support.
We are all well aware of the current mortgage meltdown. Whichever side of the fence you sit on, whether you feel people bought in to more house than they could afford and it is their own fault, or you feel that the economy is truly that bad, one thing is very clear, Corruption plays a role. There is more than enough corruption happening within the Mortgage industry without GIVING them even easier ways to hide the money and their crooked business practices . Currently 23 states have suspended foreclosures because of inaccurate, incomplete and at times non existent paperwork and documentation.
HOW, I mean SERIOUSLY, how could our Senators, our Congress possibly try to pass a bill that would allow mortgage companies among other little perks to be able to mass produce documents and affix a digital version of a notary's seal rather than the true seal of proof? You know with REAL hand signed signatures on one contractual paper. This would have been just another mistake, another move fueled by personal greed, that instead of helping homeowners would hurt them.
Supporters of the bill are claiming that President Obama can't use the pocket veto tactic because the Senate would need to be adjourned, and technically they are not yet. I say The Pres can VETO ANYTIME, and I hope he sticks with this one. While he's at it I would love to have him take a good look at few other new laws and regulations on the books.
Woof! You sure gotta climb a lot of steps to get to this Capitol Building here in Washington. But I wonder who that sad little scrap of paper is?
I'm just a bill.
Yes, I'm only a bill.
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey
To the capital city.
It's a long, long wait
While I'm sitting in committee,
But I know I'll be a law someday
At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: Gee, Bill, you certainly have a lot of patience and courage.
Bill: Well I got this far. When I started, I wasn't even a bill, I was just an idea. Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed, so they called their local Congressman and he said, "You're right, there oughta be a law." Then he sat down and wrote me out and introduced me to Congress. And I became a bill, and I'll remain a bill until they decide to make me a law.
I'm just a bill
Yes I'm only a bill,
And I got as far as Capitol Hill.
Well, now I'm stuck in committee
And I'll sit here and wait
While a few key Congressmen discuss and debate
Whether they should let me be a law.
How I hope and pray that they will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: Listen to those congressmen arguing! Is all that discussion and debate about you?
Bill: Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones. Most bills never even get this far. I hope they decide to report on me favourably, otherwise I may die.
Boy: Die?
Bill: Yeah, die in committee. Oooh, but it looks like I'm gonna live! Now I go to the House of Representatives, and they vote on me.
Boy: If they vote yes, what happens?
Bill: Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts all over again.
Boy: Oh no!
Bill: Oh yes!
I'm just a bill
Yes, I'm only a bill
And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill
Well, then I'm off to the White House
Where I'll wait in a line
With a lot of other bills
For the president to sign
And if he signs me, then I'll be a law.
How I hope and pray that he will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: You mean even if the whole Congress says you should be a law, the president can still say no?
Bill: Yes, that's called a veto. If the President vetoes me, I have to go back to Congress and they vote on me again, and by that time you're so old...
Boy: By that time it's very unlikely that you'll become a law. It's not easy to become a law, is it?
Bill: No!
But how I hope and I pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Congressman: He signed you, Bill! Now you're a law!
Bill: Oh yes!!! (http://www.schoolhouserock.tv/Bill.html)
According to the complete article by FOX network President Obama has made use of a little known loophole called A "pocket veto" to stop passage of the latest in a long line of outrageous and damaging legislative acts that Congress has forced upon the American people. While I have not been overly impressed of late with our President's performance, IF he sticks by this move he will have re-gained a modicum of my support.
We are all well aware of the current mortgage meltdown. Whichever side of the fence you sit on, whether you feel people bought in to more house than they could afford and it is their own fault, or you feel that the economy is truly that bad, one thing is very clear, Corruption plays a role. There is more than enough corruption happening within the Mortgage industry without GIVING them even easier ways to hide the money and their crooked business practices . Currently 23 states have suspended foreclosures because of inaccurate, incomplete and at times non existent paperwork and documentation.
HOW, I mean SERIOUSLY, how could our Senators, our Congress possibly try to pass a bill that would allow mortgage companies among other little perks to be able to mass produce documents and affix a digital version of a notary's seal rather than the true seal of proof? You know with REAL hand signed signatures on one contractual paper. This would have been just another mistake, another move fueled by personal greed, that instead of helping homeowners would hurt them.
Supporters of the bill are claiming that President Obama can't use the pocket veto tactic because the Senate would need to be adjourned, and technically they are not yet. I say The Pres can VETO ANYTIME, and I hope he sticks with this one. While he's at it I would love to have him take a good look at few other new laws and regulations on the books.
Bayberries in Abundance; Another of Nature's Gifts
I truly never cease to be amazed at the variety and versatility of the ever surprising ever changing plant life, gifts from nature, that are all around me. From year to year I keep my eyes and my nose open to new additions. You never know what might sprout.
New plant species can germinate in a number of ways. For example many seeds are contributed via traveling bird species. Our feathered friends are well known for their talents to defecate freely as they soar the friendly skies. Branches and seed heads can also be blown from place to place, carried along by the wind on strong storm fronts. If you have livestock or poultry nowadays like we do here you never know what may crop up. Passed through the intestinal tracts of horses, cattle and chickens, seeds from feed grains or hay may take hold and can prove difficult to identify until leaf, stem and fruit stages have been witnessed. These plants may also be difficult to eradicate if deemed useless and/or invasive. Since I feed my animals only whole grain feeds that have not been crushed and processed into pellet form the possibilities of germination occurring are greatly increased.
One pleasant addition that popped up a few years back were some shrubs that I recognized by the leaves as belonging to the myrtle family. The aromatic leaves tantalized my memory banks but more specific identification eluded me until this year when they began to bear fruit. They are Bayberry Bushes, also known as wax myrtles. Lol I kept telling my husband I know this scent, what is it? I was probably thinking of candles at Christmas time, but kept failing to make the connection.
I love the smell when I pick a few of the leaves and crush them in my fingertips. Their little purple hued BB sized berries are quite plentiful this year and I am considering trying my hand at candle making. On a very small scale of course. It has been estimated that four pounds of berries will yield 1 pound of wax. You boil the berries in water, and the wax which coats the outer skin of the berries will float to the top. After cooling it can be easily skimmed off for use.
Like many other of Nature's gifts from above the bayberry does have a number of known historical uses as an herbal remedy. At this time I am not considering producing any consumable beverages for Mother Nature To You. What I am considering though is preparing packets of bayberry leaves, berries and bark to prepare for use as a pet insect repellent. Doggy
I have read quite a bit about using bayberry as an insect repellent for dogs. It is said to repel mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, much like the close relative callicarpa or beautyberry. I have boiled up a concoction of berries, leaves and bark to test these claims for myself.
My boxer Shug has terrible skin problems that send us to the vet at least 2x every year. The vet said he is basically allergic to fleas. Shug has a terrible reaction when fleas bite him. We take the usual steps, baths and (generally toxic) flea guard products, but he still is in an almost constant state of itching. Prednisone is what the vet usually prescribes for him when it gets really bad. There have been times it has gotten so bad the poor guy looks like he has mange on his butt. The vet says that happens because of his constant licking and itching. You have no idea how irritating it is to hear the thump thump thump when he gets scratching, and at night he is up and down up and down pacing from room to room. Some nights he is so bad that I have resorted to closing my bedroom door and shutting him out, which I've never done to him before.
Last Night I sprayed Shug down quite heavily with my bayberry concoction, and used a small towel to just work the excess in down to his skin. I really soaked him pretty good. Let me tell you the results were VERY impressive. This poor dog slept like a rock last night for the first time in months. From about 10:30 p.m until just about 4:30 this morning. Today he is still not itching. We are talking about a dog that could not sleep more than a few minutes at a time, couldn't walk from one room to the next, or be petted, without the pedalling foot thumping motion starting, now at complete peace and ease after only one treatment. I was so amazed I got on the phone and have been off to visit friends with pets that they claim itch excessively.
I have so far used the herbal pet insect repellent on both of my dogs (our female KO, short for Knock Out, does not itch as much as Shug but we didn't want her to feel left out:), as well 1 cat and 2 dogs which belong to 3 different friends. Both dog owners have now reported that so far, 4 hours post treatment, much like Shug's results, itching problems have ceased.
This success seems to be more than a result of just flea repellent properties of the bayberry concoction. It seems to also have some kind of ability to soothe the skin as well. I will continue to test and investigate this product before proceeding with possible future marketing ideas though. I would love to hear back from anyone that has bayberry trees and tries this.
If you have a dog that can't stop itching Drop me a private note at looseleafherbals@aol.com and I will be happy to send a free sample packet during this investigative phase in exchange for your input regarding results after use:)
*************************OCTOBER 14TH ***************************
Thank You for all of your input and just letting everyone know thank you so much for your interest. I now have my limit for free samples from the e mails received at this point. If you have received a confirmation you can expect your sample to be shipped on October 22nd. Thank You for participating:)
On October 22nd our product
Deb's 3 in 1 herbal Remedies Pet Protection :
Relief for pets from biting pests, offensive body odors and raw itchy hot spots all in one product that you prepare fresh at home
Relief for pet owners from insects, smelly pets and thump thump thump.
New plant species can germinate in a number of ways. For example many seeds are contributed via traveling bird species. Our feathered friends are well known for their talents to defecate freely as they soar the friendly skies. Branches and seed heads can also be blown from place to place, carried along by the wind on strong storm fronts. If you have livestock or poultry nowadays like we do here you never know what may crop up. Passed through the intestinal tracts of horses, cattle and chickens, seeds from feed grains or hay may take hold and can prove difficult to identify until leaf, stem and fruit stages have been witnessed. These plants may also be difficult to eradicate if deemed useless and/or invasive. Since I feed my animals only whole grain feeds that have not been crushed and processed into pellet form the possibilities of germination occurring are greatly increased.
One pleasant addition that popped up a few years back were some shrubs that I recognized by the leaves as belonging to the myrtle family. The aromatic leaves tantalized my memory banks but more specific identification eluded me until this year when they began to bear fruit. They are Bayberry Bushes, also known as wax myrtles. Lol I kept telling my husband I know this scent, what is it? I was probably thinking of candles at Christmas time, but kept failing to make the connection.
I love the smell when I pick a few of the leaves and crush them in my fingertips. Their little purple hued BB sized berries are quite plentiful this year and I am considering trying my hand at candle making. On a very small scale of course. It has been estimated that four pounds of berries will yield 1 pound of wax. You boil the berries in water, and the wax which coats the outer skin of the berries will float to the top. After cooling it can be easily skimmed off for use.
Like many other of Nature's gifts from above the bayberry does have a number of known historical uses as an herbal remedy. At this time I am not considering producing any consumable beverages for Mother Nature To You. What I am considering though is preparing packets of bayberry leaves, berries and bark to prepare for use as a pet insect repellent. Doggy
I have read quite a bit about using bayberry as an insect repellent for dogs. It is said to repel mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, much like the close relative callicarpa or beautyberry. I have boiled up a concoction of berries, leaves and bark to test these claims for myself.
My boxer Shug has terrible skin problems that send us to the vet at least 2x every year. The vet said he is basically allergic to fleas. Shug has a terrible reaction when fleas bite him. We take the usual steps, baths and (generally toxic) flea guard products, but he still is in an almost constant state of itching. Prednisone is what the vet usually prescribes for him when it gets really bad. There have been times it has gotten so bad the poor guy looks like he has mange on his butt. The vet says that happens because of his constant licking and itching. You have no idea how irritating it is to hear the thump thump thump when he gets scratching, and at night he is up and down up and down pacing from room to room. Some nights he is so bad that I have resorted to closing my bedroom door and shutting him out, which I've never done to him before.
Last Night I sprayed Shug down quite heavily with my bayberry concoction, and used a small towel to just work the excess in down to his skin. I really soaked him pretty good. Let me tell you the results were VERY impressive. This poor dog slept like a rock last night for the first time in months. From about 10:30 p.m until just about 4:30 this morning. Today he is still not itching. We are talking about a dog that could not sleep more than a few minutes at a time, couldn't walk from one room to the next, or be petted, without the pedalling foot thumping motion starting, now at complete peace and ease after only one treatment. I was so amazed I got on the phone and have been off to visit friends with pets that they claim itch excessively.
I have so far used the herbal pet insect repellent on both of my dogs (our female KO, short for Knock Out, does not itch as much as Shug but we didn't want her to feel left out:), as well 1 cat and 2 dogs which belong to 3 different friends. Both dog owners have now reported that so far, 4 hours post treatment, much like Shug's results, itching problems have ceased.
This success seems to be more than a result of just flea repellent properties of the bayberry concoction. It seems to also have some kind of ability to soothe the skin as well. I will continue to test and investigate this product before proceeding with possible future marketing ideas though. I would love to hear back from anyone that has bayberry trees and tries this.
If you have a dog that can't stop itching Drop me a private note at looseleafherbals@aol.com and I will be happy to send a free sample packet during this investigative phase in exchange for your input regarding results after use:)
*************************OCTOBER 14TH ***************************
Thank You for all of your input and just letting everyone know thank you so much for your interest. I now have my limit for free samples from the e mails received at this point. If you have received a confirmation you can expect your sample to be shipped on October 22nd. Thank You for participating:)
On October 22nd our product
Deb's 3 in 1 herbal Remedies Pet Protection :
Relief for pets from biting pests, offensive body odors and raw itchy hot spots all in one product that you prepare fresh at home
Relief for pet owners from insects, smelly pets and thump thump thump.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ode To the Wonder and Beauty of Nature; Inspired by A Walking Stick Bug
Yes anyone that knows me will tell you I am a weirdo that can find pleasure, enjoyment or wonder in any number of the simplest to the most complex occurrences and inhabitants found in nature. Every day there is something beautiful, interesting, uplifting or amazing, awe inspiring, and occasionally even fear evoking, in one way or another to be found, discovered or observed within nature. Today my interest was captured by one of the biggest grand daddy of them all walking stick bugs I have ever seen. But oh there are so many other wonders of nature intrigue and attract me....
A rainbow back lit by the strengthening rays of a golden sun shining through the scattered remains of the tumultuous roiling cloud bank that the freshening breeze is gathering together and rushing along to the next thirsty and waiting patch of earth.
I have always loved rainbows. When I pulled into my driveway in 2005 upon returning from my trip to Biloxi Mississippi after Katrina, a large Rainbow was arched over our home. The Katrina trip and the rainbow are a true story for another time and telling, here, words can not convey the depth of emotion I experienced as I stood beside my once blue, now almost black, bug encrusted old Ford pick up... and wept. It was the most peaceful, cleansing crying session :)
Inhaling the heady aroma of a flower at the height of its full and glorious bloom. Walter Hagen is known for saying "Don 't hurry. Don't worry. You're only here for a short visit. So don't forget to stop and smell the roses." I would like to think that his implication was intended more towards flowers in general, Because I love to stop and smell the flowers:) Taking the time to stop along the way and the smell the flowers can set a memory in your mind, associate a connection between the scent of a certain flower at a special time of the year. Like roses in chilly February for Valentines Day, symbolic of love, or lilies and crocuses representing rebirth and new life after winters passing. Flowers are associated with any number of events and seasons. From joyous gala weddings to somber dark funerals. I have certain rosebushes here, for example the purple one my daughter Meg picked out at WalMart years ago, that I just can't walk past sometime. They call me "Hey stop and smell me, I smell real good right now." Lol and they are always right, they always do.
Whether it's a couple seconds, thirty seconds... doesn't matter, it is a few seconds of bliss. Release from every worry. Aroma therapy at it's finest. My all time favorite are lilacs. I love Lilacs in springtime. As a child on the farm we had such an impressive grove of Lilacs. We had a fort in among them. I can't recall the name right now, we called it something. Mom loved those purple and white lilacs. The house for those brief few weeks of the year, instead of smelling like baking bread and apple pies with a hint of lysol would be permeated with the sweetness of huge bunches of lilacs that we happily gathered and loved presenting to her. When we were younger I remember we also chose out whooping sticks from the lilac grove. And you better not come back with one that was not slim and supple.lol. Hey, it was the 60's and it was a rare event , and reserved for only the most serious of offenses that I and my 4 brothers were able to get in to. I must say when we got punished, lol trust me we did something to deserve it:) .
Gazing at the ever changing sky over head. Whether it be watching the sun on its ascension, the first softly glowing rays emanating upward in cool subdued hues signaling another day in the cycle of life, or the brilliant reds and vibrant contrasts as the day ends and twilight welcomes the Moon with its familiar phases.
Or savoring the fierce destructive power of a summer thunderstorm with its driving rains and whipping wind, the crack and snap of a lightening strike, accompanied by the ear splitting tempestuous rolling reports of thunder.
A welcome warm spring breeze after a long chilly winter, soft and caressing like the touch of secret lover and
There is a connection and closeness to my Creator as I gaze upon the sky above me. The sky with its many faces is the one constant in all of our lives.
Haha Okay, I have to leave off for a while but I will upload the walking stick pics lol . I'll get back on here later after I d some house cleaning to continue:)
A rainbow back lit by the strengthening rays of a golden sun shining through the scattered remains of the tumultuous roiling cloud bank that the freshening breeze is gathering together and rushing along to the next thirsty and waiting patch of earth.
I have always loved rainbows. When I pulled into my driveway in 2005 upon returning from my trip to Biloxi Mississippi after Katrina, a large Rainbow was arched over our home. The Katrina trip and the rainbow are a true story for another time and telling, here, words can not convey the depth of emotion I experienced as I stood beside my once blue, now almost black, bug encrusted old Ford pick up... and wept. It was the most peaceful, cleansing crying session :)
Inhaling the heady aroma of a flower at the height of its full and glorious bloom. Walter Hagen is known for saying "Don 't hurry. Don't worry. You're only here for a short visit. So don't forget to stop and smell the roses." I would like to think that his implication was intended more towards flowers in general, Because I love to stop and smell the flowers:) Taking the time to stop along the way and the smell the flowers can set a memory in your mind, associate a connection between the scent of a certain flower at a special time of the year. Like roses in chilly February for Valentines Day, symbolic of love, or lilies and crocuses representing rebirth and new life after winters passing. Flowers are associated with any number of events and seasons. From joyous gala weddings to somber dark funerals. I have certain rosebushes here, for example the purple one my daughter Meg picked out at WalMart years ago, that I just can't walk past sometime. They call me "Hey stop and smell me, I smell real good right now." Lol and they are always right, they always do.
Whether it's a couple seconds, thirty seconds... doesn't matter, it is a few seconds of bliss. Release from every worry. Aroma therapy at it's finest. My all time favorite are lilacs. I love Lilacs in springtime. As a child on the farm we had such an impressive grove of Lilacs. We had a fort in among them. I can't recall the name right now, we called it something. Mom loved those purple and white lilacs. The house for those brief few weeks of the year, instead of smelling like baking bread and apple pies with a hint of lysol would be permeated with the sweetness of huge bunches of lilacs that we happily gathered and loved presenting to her. When we were younger I remember we also chose out whooping sticks from the lilac grove. And you better not come back with one that was not slim and supple.lol. Hey, it was the 60's and it was a rare event , and reserved for only the most serious of offenses that I and my 4 brothers were able to get in to. I must say when we got punished, lol trust me we did something to deserve it:) .
Gazing at the ever changing sky over head. Whether it be watching the sun on its ascension, the first softly glowing rays emanating upward in cool subdued hues signaling another day in the cycle of life, or the brilliant reds and vibrant contrasts as the day ends and twilight welcomes the Moon with its familiar phases.
Or savoring the fierce destructive power of a summer thunderstorm with its driving rains and whipping wind, the crack and snap of a lightening strike, accompanied by the ear splitting tempestuous rolling reports of thunder.
A welcome warm spring breeze after a long chilly winter, soft and caressing like the touch of secret lover and
There is a connection and closeness to my Creator as I gaze upon the sky above me. The sky with its many faces is the one constant in all of our lives.
Haha Okay, I have to leave off for a while but I will upload the walking stick pics lol . I'll get back on here later after I d some house cleaning to continue:)
He's a Biggun! Bigger than my hand:)
Mother Nature,
walking stick bug
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Health Care Disparities Today
I was recently asked for my opinion regarding racial disparities affecting the treatment outcomes for cancer patients. I will say first off in response that one of the leading causes of delayed diagnosis stems from a problem that permeates America... Industries continued attempts to make statistic conform/fit to prove a case .
While over all statistics may indicate minorities are not receiving equal care I think further review of statistics would clarify that this distinction in a broader sense is related more to income, education and cultural disparities than purely race.
I have not been overly impressed with medical services at the primary care level myself, kick backs from pharmaceutical companies have skewed results and make care at this level impossible to determine any racial basis to claims of inferior care.
All too often patients present with long standing problems and are sent home with one form of anti depressant or another as a first level treatment. For a person like myself with insurance we may be willing to pay for these office visits enough times until we reach a point where we INSIST(IE what some may call Flipping out on our doctor in outrage) on further testing to determine what is wrong.
But, If I have limited income and children, who need dental and doctor care I am not going to be able to play the expensive visit the doctor to hear MMhhmm, yes, uh-uh, try this pill game so the Dr.'s office can gather statistics on the new pill more than one time, so care often ends up delayed for serious conditions. This may also be why ER visits are so high for some, especially in cases of conditions that have a tendency to flare up or go into remission.
Depending on ethnicity, there are also remedies and beliefs that may play a role, confounding determining quality of treatment issues.
Another distinction perhaps is the flipping out that I mentioned, or more precisely the ability to stand up for yourself and demand better. I think many economically disadvantaged people, those with linguistic challenges, or lower levels of education, etc. may not communicate as well to explain the health problem, they may hesitate to question or when needed yell at their doctor... the man is educated, socially superior, he is supposed to know best, if he says i'm fine I must be, etc.. Many have an ingrained personal class distinction issue, they feel there is no hope of fair treatment and so do not insist.
In this respect from the primary level of early diagnosis, I feel doctors are somewhat at fault, BUT, I still do not think it is racial based, the root lying more in disparities between education, culture, and finances. Whether you're rich, poor, white, black, insured or not, at the primary level the dr's do not discriminate who gets a pill. Time and again at the primary care level they will try a pill first for everyone they can if the patient presents in anything but a severe, obvious and/or debilitating condition.
I feel that Once diagnosed with cancer it is a different story. Upon diagnosis every oncology team member I have met 100% wants to save his patient, regardless of color, income or cultural beliefs.
Again communication plays a key role in a successful treatment regimen, and again education levels, culture and income are factors.
Patients need to make every treatment appt, they need to take meds as directed and on time, they need to be able to communicate changes and symptoms.
If you meant Within the scope of strictly cancer treatment : Here I see poverty, education and lifestyle choices as more of a barrier than race as the cause of the disparity between successful treatments and survival rates.
One of the greatest disappointments I have heard expressed the most by oncology team members is the fact that treatments are missed. One patient disappeared for over a month without contacting his doctors. It was later found out his car had broken down and he had no back up support system to deal with transportation. Another lady, during summertime did not have babysitters, under 11 years old children can not come in for chemo treatments, so she was missing treatments.
Time and again it seems to come down to they could not get there because of financial difficulties, and treatment was affected not by race but by poverty.
Lastly there is a population that lifestyle choices like continued alcohol and drug use for example, confound treatment success rates.
I agree that Yes prejudice does exist, it is not gone, it should be, but I just don't think it is the main issue here, it is broader than racial prejudice.
Many of our problems in health care, and our economy in general stem from overuse/ abuse of statistical analysis to attempt to solve problems or to promote an ideal or sell a product.
There are Too many people trying to make statistics fit what they are trying to prove, instead of looking at the statistics and seeing what they prove.
Well that's all I got, hope I have not offended anyone:)
While over all statistics may indicate minorities are not receiving equal care I think further review of statistics would clarify that this distinction in a broader sense is related more to income, education and cultural disparities than purely race.
I have not been overly impressed with medical services at the primary care level myself, kick backs from pharmaceutical companies have skewed results and make care at this level impossible to determine any racial basis to claims of inferior care.
All too often patients present with long standing problems and are sent home with one form of anti depressant or another as a first level treatment. For a person like myself with insurance we may be willing to pay for these office visits enough times until we reach a point where we INSIST(IE what some may call Flipping out on our doctor in outrage) on further testing to determine what is wrong.
But, If I have limited income and children, who need dental and doctor care I am not going to be able to play the expensive visit the doctor to hear MMhhmm, yes, uh-uh, try this pill game so the Dr.'s office can gather statistics on the new pill more than one time, so care often ends up delayed for serious conditions. This may also be why ER visits are so high for some, especially in cases of conditions that have a tendency to flare up or go into remission.
Depending on ethnicity, there are also remedies and beliefs that may play a role, confounding determining quality of treatment issues.
Another distinction perhaps is the flipping out that I mentioned, or more precisely the ability to stand up for yourself and demand better. I think many economically disadvantaged people, those with linguistic challenges, or lower levels of education, etc. may not communicate as well to explain the health problem, they may hesitate to question or when needed yell at their doctor... the man is educated, socially superior, he is supposed to know best, if he says i'm fine I must be, etc.. Many have an ingrained personal class distinction issue, they feel there is no hope of fair treatment and so do not insist.
In this respect from the primary level of early diagnosis, I feel doctors are somewhat at fault, BUT, I still do not think it is racial based, the root lying more in disparities between education, culture, and finances. Whether you're rich, poor, white, black, insured or not, at the primary level the dr's do not discriminate who gets a pill. Time and again at the primary care level they will try a pill first for everyone they can if the patient presents in anything but a severe, obvious and/or debilitating condition.
I feel that Once diagnosed with cancer it is a different story. Upon diagnosis every oncology team member I have met 100% wants to save his patient, regardless of color, income or cultural beliefs.
Again communication plays a key role in a successful treatment regimen, and again education levels, culture and income are factors.
Patients need to make every treatment appt, they need to take meds as directed and on time, they need to be able to communicate changes and symptoms.
If you meant Within the scope of strictly cancer treatment : Here I see poverty, education and lifestyle choices as more of a barrier than race as the cause of the disparity between successful treatments and survival rates.
One of the greatest disappointments I have heard expressed the most by oncology team members is the fact that treatments are missed. One patient disappeared for over a month without contacting his doctors. It was later found out his car had broken down and he had no back up support system to deal with transportation. Another lady, during summertime did not have babysitters, under 11 years old children can not come in for chemo treatments, so she was missing treatments.
Time and again it seems to come down to they could not get there because of financial difficulties, and treatment was affected not by race but by poverty.
Lastly there is a population that lifestyle choices like continued alcohol and drug use for example, confound treatment success rates.
I agree that Yes prejudice does exist, it is not gone, it should be, but I just don't think it is the main issue here, it is broader than racial prejudice.
Many of our problems in health care, and our economy in general stem from overuse/ abuse of statistical analysis to attempt to solve problems or to promote an ideal or sell a product.
There are Too many people trying to make statistics fit what they are trying to prove, instead of looking at the statistics and seeing what they prove.
Well that's all I got, hope I have not offended anyone:)
Friday, October 1, 2010
Hey Everybody PET Scan results are in
Hey everybody been catching friends and family up on the good news, and I gotta get on here too... No Cancer Evident in latest PET Scan hurray!!!! Still a bit more waiting to go as we give the thyroid meds some time, and retest TSH levels over next 2 months. Doc said if the TSH levels come down, while i'm on the meds we will not have to worry about pituitary involvement as much as he is right now. 4 out of 5 of the areas that were in question he feels are tissue damage, most of them not only did not light up with the tracer, but showed little circulation at all, either way. Doc said this is good because that means they are definitely not cancer. The thyroid gland itself did show faint tracer activity, but he said it was expected. That's because right now I have what he said for lack of a better term we will call a form of thyroiditis. Some areas, such as sites of infection can show activity, and he said the thyroiditis accounts for the levels of activity seen there.
I will also say that as far as the thyroid meds I started last week, I have only been on the levothyroxine (I want to go name brand with the synthroid but 30$ a month with ins!) and I ALSO HAVE GOTTEN MY VOICE BACK! For the first time since the end of May, hurray! After only 5 days on the medicine, AND while I am still dealing with neck pain and headaches THE DARN EARACHES HAVE STOPPED, their still ringing away like crazy lol, but earaches suck! and I have had them pretty much constantly since May. Such a blessing to have them gone:) And the bad charlie horse leg cramps have not happened in 5 whole days now another hurray. Apparently I experienced what was known as a thyroid storm, which brought on many of the health problems I have been experiencing since end of May. He must be right, because the medicine has really made such a bi difference in how I am feeling.
I am still going through phases of hyper and hypothyroidisms, but the doctor feels this will resolve in the future. I can do without a thyroid if need be, my husband has not had one for years. It is even a slight possibility that my thyroid may regenerate, depending on how badly the radiation treatments have damaged it. It just gets better and better :)
Peace out ALL
I will also say that as far as the thyroid meds I started last week, I have only been on the levothyroxine (I want to go name brand with the synthroid but 30$ a month with ins!) and I ALSO HAVE GOTTEN MY VOICE BACK! For the first time since the end of May, hurray! After only 5 days on the medicine, AND while I am still dealing with neck pain and headaches THE DARN EARACHES HAVE STOPPED, their still ringing away like crazy lol, but earaches suck! and I have had them pretty much constantly since May. Such a blessing to have them gone:) And the bad charlie horse leg cramps have not happened in 5 whole days now another hurray. Apparently I experienced what was known as a thyroid storm, which brought on many of the health problems I have been experiencing since end of May. He must be right, because the medicine has really made such a bi difference in how I am feeling.
I am still going through phases of hyper and hypothyroidisms, but the doctor feels this will resolve in the future. I can do without a thyroid if need be, my husband has not had one for years. It is even a slight possibility that my thyroid may regenerate, depending on how badly the radiation treatments have damaged it. It just gets better and better :)
Peace out ALL
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