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Friday, June 18, 2010

Wow Can't Believe I let so Many Days Pass Without A Post

Seriously here it is Friday, and late at that, and I have not posted here since last weekend. Shame on me. I have been quite busy though, between doctors appointments and I am always doing something here.

I must admit this new pain in my throat has really been a cramp in the butt, and of course the latest problem meant a rash of trips to Atlanta to see my oncology docs. They have put me on a round of antibiotics " just in case", since I insist on kissing my parrot goodnight and the horses good morning, and clean cat boxes and horse stalls, etc.... They have also scheduled another set of scans to include neck, head and chest. He said I was due for the scans anyway. While they do the scans they said they are also going to be looking for evidence of circulatory issues due to tissue damage from radiation treatments. All in all I hope they figure this one out soon. I really think going to be a circulatory issue though, using muscles, especially arms, aggravates. Tipping my head back, like when I am star gazing at night, I can feel the stretch pulling the skin and muscles really tight all the way down to my ribs. So I think It is going to be resolved through more therapy. Keep moving and using it.

This past week was also the last of persimmon leaf picking, and I am very happy with my stores I have set aside. Persimmon leaf is a very important ingredient in my teas. I will say this though, I have read that persimmon is useful to lose weight, which is the opposite of what I need. I need to gain weight. I continue to drop a pound a week, currently at 96. I think part of it though is that pain burns calories. I have a high pain threshold, so often I just keep doing what I am doing. The more I do the more it hurts, until it reaches a point I have to take a pill to get relief. Dr. Saba said I was right and it does, but just the same I am going to try a little experiment. I am going to cut back on my persimmon leaf in my tea, and add more to my husbands. He needs to lose a few pounds, it could be an interesting experiment. Although Kev certainly won't be dieting. It's hot summer and when he is off work, he likes to have a few beers while he works around here, lol. But we'll see, if he loses and I gain:)

Big day tomorrow, going riding again. We plan to be saddled up before it gets too hot tomorrow, and IF a certain someone who will remain nameless can manage to take a few pictures w/out banging the poop out of my poor old camera that would be very nice.

This is Earnie (Earnhardt's Proverbs) The one I rode last week, this week I want to get on Jake :)

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