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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bayberries in Abundance; Another of Nature's Gifts

I truly never cease to be amazed at the variety and versatility of the ever surprising ever changing plant life, gifts from nature, that are all around me. From year to year I keep my eyes and my nose open to new additions. You never know what might sprout.

New plant species can germinate in a number of ways. For example many seeds are contributed via traveling bird species. Our feathered friends are well known for their talents to defecate freely as they soar the friendly skies. Branches and seed heads can also be blown from place to place, carried along by the wind on strong storm fronts.  If you have livestock or poultry nowadays like we do here you never know what may crop up. Passed through the intestinal tracts of horses, cattle and chickens, seeds from feed grains or hay may take hold and can prove difficult to identify until leaf, stem and fruit stages have been witnessed. These plants may also be difficult to eradicate if deemed useless and/or invasive. Since I feed my animals only whole grain feeds that have not been crushed and processed into pellet form the possibilities of germination occurring are greatly increased.

One pleasant addition that popped up a few years back were some shrubs that I recognized by the leaves as belonging to the myrtle family. The aromatic leaves tantalized my memory banks but more specific identification eluded me until this year when they began to bear fruit. They are Bayberry Bushes, also known as wax myrtles.  Lol I kept telling my husband I know this scent, what is it? I was probably thinking of candles at Christmas time, but kept failing to make the connection.

I love the smell when I pick a few of the leaves and crush them in my fingertips. Their little purple hued BB sized berries are quite plentiful this year and I am considering trying my hand at candle making. On a very small scale of course. It has been estimated that four pounds of berries will yield 1 pound of wax. You boil the berries in water, and the wax which coats the outer skin of the berries will float to the top. After cooling it can be easily skimmed off for use. 

Like many other of Nature's gifts from above the bayberry does have a number of known historical uses as an herbal remedy.  At this time I am not considering producing any consumable beverages for Mother Nature To You.  What I am considering though is preparing packets of bayberry leaves, berries and bark to prepare for use as a pet insect repellent. Doggy

I have read quite a bit about using bayberry as an insect repellent for dogs. It is said to repel mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, much like the close relative callicarpa or beautyberry. I have boiled up a concoction of berries, leaves and bark to test these claims for myself.

My boxer Shug has terrible skin problems that send us to the vet at least 2x every year. The vet said he is basically allergic to fleas. Shug has a terrible reaction when fleas bite him.  We take the usual steps, baths and (generally toxic) flea guard products, but he still is in an almost constant state of itching. Prednisone is what the vet usually prescribes for him when it gets really bad. There have been times it has gotten so bad the poor guy looks like he has mange on his butt. The vet says that happens because of his constant licking and itching. You have no idea how irritating it is to hear the thump thump thump when he gets scratching, and at night he is up and down up and down pacing from room to room. Some nights he is so bad that I have resorted to closing my bedroom door and shutting him out, which I've never done to him before. 

Last Night I sprayed Shug down quite heavily with my bayberry concoction, and used a small towel to just work the excess in down to his skin. I really soaked him pretty good. Let me tell you the results were VERY impressive. This poor dog slept like a rock last night for the first time in months. From about 10:30 p.m until just about 4:30 this morning. Today he is still not itching. We are talking about a dog that could not sleep more than a few minutes at a time, couldn't walk from one room to the next, or be petted, without the pedalling foot thumping motion starting, now at complete peace and ease after only one treatment. I was so amazed I got on the phone and have been off to visit friends with pets that they claim itch excessively.

I have so far used the herbal pet insect repellent on both of my dogs (our female KO, short for Knock Out, does not itch as much as Shug but we didn't want her to feel left out:), as well 1 cat and 2 dogs which belong to 3 different friends. Both dog owners have now reported that so far, 4 hours post treatment, much like Shug's results, itching problems have ceased.

This success seems to be more than a result of just flea repellent properties of the bayberry concoction. It seems to also have some kind of ability to soothe the skin as well. I will continue to test and investigate this product before proceeding with possible future marketing ideas though. I would love to hear back from anyone that has bayberry trees and tries this.

If you have a dog that can't stop itching Drop me a private note at and I will be happy to send a free sample packet during this investigative phase in exchange for your input regarding results after use:)

                    *************************OCTOBER 14TH ***************************
Thank You for all of your input and just letting everyone know thank you so much for your interest. I now have my limit for free samples from the e mails received at this point. If you have received a confirmation you can expect your sample to be shipped on October 22nd. Thank You for participating:)

On October 22nd our product
Deb's 3 in 1 herbal Remedies Pet Protection :
Relief for pets from biting pests, offensive body odors and raw itchy hot spots all in one product that you prepare fresh at home
Relief for pet owners from insects, smelly pets and thump thump thump.

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